The video makes viewers' hearts flutter when recording the scene of four king cobras protecting a sleeping baby

The video makes viewers’ hearts flutter when recording the scene of four king cobras protecting a sleeping baby

A video posted on YouTube that shows what appear to be four cobras standing guard around a sleeping baby has gone viral – again.

In the video, a baby is seen sleeping on a cot as four cobras take a defensive stance all around the child, who appears to be only a few months old.

At one point, the baby appears to grab hold of one of the snakes, but the deadly animal doesn’t seem to be bothered by it.


Call CPS: A video that shows a baby in between four poisonous cobras has re-emerged on the Internet this week

Sweet dreams: The baby even makes contact with several of the snakes, but doesn’t get attacked, or wake up

In the comment section on YouTube, some people are shocked that the baby never gets bitten. Others say it is just a trick used by snake charmers, and the snakes’ fangs have been ripped out and their mouths sewn shut.

‘It’s not Charming to abuse the snakes by tearing out their fangs and sewing their mouths shut for performance/money. Just because something’s been done for eons…doesn’t mean it’s right to abuse these reptiles,’ one commenter wrote.

‘Yes.. How adorable.. 4 poor snakes,with their fangs brutally ripped out or mouths sewn shut (for that snake charmer spectacle),that are going to die very soon,are put there,having a despair and not knowing where they are…,’ wrote another.

Hugs: At one point, the baby appears to hug the deadly cobra is it stands with its hood open

Cruelty: Many of the commenters on YouTube say this is just a snake charming stunt and the animals have had their fangs ripped out and mouths sewn shut

It’s unclear where the video was filmed, but cobras typically are found in India and other parts of South East Asia.

The video, titled ‘Four Cobra Snakes Protecting Sleeping Baby,’ initially was posted on YouTube in October of 2013, and it received a fair amount of media attention then, as well.

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