Hmmm, maybe I'm not so hungry after all: The leopard missed his grueling lunch because of the hedgehog

Hmmm, maybe I’m not so hungry after all: The leopard missed his grueling lunch because of the hedgehog

A leopard was given a very prickly reception after it tried to make lunch out of a plucky porcupine.

The predator was put firmly in its place after the spiky creature refused to back down during a fight in Kruger National Park, South Africa.

Concern for the porcupine – armed with sharp quills – soon faded as it put on an aggressive show and proved more than a match for the confused leopard.

Wildlife enthusiast Lisl Moolman, 41, caught the bizarre battle while out on the road and armed with her camera.


A leopard had its confidence roundly spiked after being pricked by a plucky porcupine during a fight in Kruger National Park, South Africa

The young leopard faced up to the porcupine after the pair had tumbled out of a bush and into the road. Wildlife enthusiast Lisl Moolman, 41, caught the bizarre battle while out on the road and armed with her camera

Looking slightly uncertain, the predator sizes up his opponent for dinner, pacing from side to side as he decides the best course of attack

But concern for the porcupine – armed with sharp quills – soon fades as it put on an aggressive show and proved more than a match for the confused leopard

The amusing pictures show the sharp skirmish with the spotted cat.

She had been driving along the road when she saw the leopard dart across.

Minutes later the leopard and porcupine tumbled out of the bushes and began to fight.

Ms Moolman said: ‘The porcupine was a worthy opponent. It was quite aggressive and shaking its quills, raising them to appear larger.

‘The leopard was certainly inexperienced.

Reluctant to give up the fight, the leopard prowls after his plucky opponent, eyeing up his armour for a weak spot

But it seems he has been outwitted by the spikey warrior, who scuttles off after delivery a prickly blow to the leopard’s paw

The battle over, the leopard lies on the ground and gives up as the porcupine walks away unscathed. Ms Moolman stayed with the battling creatures for twenty minutes before the leopard gave up and walked off to lick its wound on its front leg

The porcupine raises its sharp quills in victory. Crested porcupines like the one in the pictures are found across Africa and as far north as Italy. They weigh between 30lb and 60lb and their entire bodies are covered with bristles

‘In such a situation one always expect the worst, but the porcupine put up such a fight that the leopard didn’t stand a chance.’

Lisl stayed with the battling creatures for twenty minutes before the leopard gave up and walked off to lick its wound on its front leg.

She added: ‘This is the first time I saw anything like this and I’ve been visiting Kruger and other parks since I was a baby.’

Crested porcupines like the one in the pictures are found across Africa and as far north as Italy. They weigh between 30lb and 60lb and their entire bodies are covered with bristles.

They also have a mane of quills running along their heads, napes and backs that can be raised into a crest for protection.

If bothered by predators, a crested porcupine stamps its feet, shake its quills and charge rear end first to try to stab its enemy with its crest.

They are known to have killed lions, leopards, hyenas and even humans.


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