The injured swan was rescued by a man. Many years later, when he met the bird again, he did not forget his gratitude to his benefactor

The injured swan was rescued by a man. Many years later, when he met the bird again, he did not forget his gratitude to his benefactor

The close relationship between a man and a swan has been revealed in touching photos.

Richard Wiese visited the Abbotsbury Swannery in Dorset a few years ago to host the TV show Born To Explore when he first met the animal.

The presenter built up a relationship with the swan, which was injured from flying into a chain link fence, as he nursed it back to health. It was later transported to a sanctuary for treatment.

Richard Wiese (pictured) visited the Abbotsbury Swannery in Dorset a few years ago to host the TV show Born To Explore when he first met the animal (pictured)

The presenter built up a relationship with the swan, which was injured from flying into a chain link fence

Reunited years later, the bird has not forgotten the act of kindness and was captured displaying its gratitude.

‘I pulled it to my chest and somehow it felt comfortable or safe, and within minutes it just surrendered itself. It literally took its neck and wrapped it around mine,’ Wiese told ABC News.

‘When I put it next to me I could feel its heart beating and it just relaxed its neck and wrapped it around mine

‘It’s a wonderful moment when an animal totally trusts you,’ he added.

Reunited years later, the bird has not forgotten the act of kindness and was captured displaying its gratitude

‘It’s a wonderful moment when an animal totally trusts you,’ TV presenter Wiese said

In one of the photo captions on the show’s Facebook page Wiese wrote: ‘Despite the reputation of being “mean” or “aggressive” this swan seemed to know that she was in caring arms.’

Swans are not typically affectionate creatures and can be vicious – which makes these photos even rarer.

The animals are known for being territorial and often defend themselves if their nests are approached by humans.

But this beautiful swan was perfectly content to be close to be close to its former rescuer.

Abbotsbury Swannery holds the world’s largest collection of wild swans and aims to rehabilitate the injured birds.

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