Python coiled around lightings 4-5m above ground at Choa Chu Kang, rescued by Acres

Python coiled around lightings 4-5m above ground at Choa Chu Kang, rescued by Acres

Python Coiled Around Street Lighting At Choa Chu Kang Ave 3

Even as an urban city, Singapore is still home to a wide variety of rare animals. Every now and then, citizens may encounter them in the heartlands.

This was the case recently when Singapore residents spotted a python coiled around high-strung lighting in Choa Chu Kang.

The Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES) was alerted, and rescuers were able to retrieve the python.

Python spotted coiled around lighting in Choa Chu Kang

According to ACRES co-chief executive officer Kalai Vanan Balakrishnan, the sighting occurred at Block 412 Choa Chu Kang Avenue 3 at around 8am on Saturday (7 Jan).

Image courtesy of ACRES

Footage posted to TikTok showed the python curled tightly around the lighting, which was hung four to five metres off the ground.

Source: TikTok

The bizarre sight had attracted a crowd, many of whom watched on as the rescue operation was carried out.

Source: TikTok

Mr Kalai, who was one of the rescuers dispatched to the scene, began attempting to retrieve the animal by dislodging it.

Source: TikTok

Eventually, he pulled the lighting down to uncurl and safely extricate the python.

Source: TikTok

Python may have climbed up to escape from threat

Speaking to MS News, Mr Kalai confirmed that the ACRES Wildlife Rescue team received an alert about the incident from a member of the public.

The python did not pose a threat to anyone but had attracted a crowd. As such, there was a chance of it falling to the ground or coming down and crossing the road.

He and his team attempted to retrieve the snake without adjusting the lights. They then decided to pull the lighting down and safely contain the reticulated python.

Mr Kalai explained that the reptile may have gotten to its position by slithering up a nearby pole. “We have noticed that pythons do tend to climb up structures when they feel vulnerable or to get away from a threat.”

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