Give him a warm home! Adorable orphan boy found alone in the wild without his mother drinking bottled milk from a kind-hearted person

Give him a warm home! Adorable orphan boy found alone in the wild without his mother drinking bottled milk from a kind-hearted person

An adorable bear cub who was found lost in the wilderness without his mother by a Turkish rescue centre in Hakkari is preparing to be moved to a new home.

The baby bear, called ‘Hakvan’, was pictured guzzling from a milk bottle after his rescue but he is now being prepared for a move to a bear sanctuary in Bursa after being cared for in Hakkari.

After being separated from its mother in Hakkari, Turkish rescue workers brought the bear cub to Van on April 19 for treatment, feeding Hakvan every three hours and keeping him under supervision.

Hakvan was given a mixture of milk, antibiotics and honey to treat him when he became lost in the area – even saying that the bear had become the mascot of the 14th Regional Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks.

Professor Lokman Aslan, the director of the center, told reporters: We take care of the bear cub like a baby. We took care of it from the starter food to its current state.

‘Now it has passed the stage of eating solid food . It has become able to feed on its own. It is a kindergarten for mammals up to a certain stage. He completed the nursery and special care services, that is, he became a kindergarten student.

‘After that, he has to live in a private area. Therefore, we reported the necessary reports to the 14th Regional Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks. He will continue his life in the bear shelter in Bursa from now on.

Now he is eating solid food, he is being prepared for his move.

Professor Aslan said they most recently treated two adult bears who were injured.

The bear cub, which is taken for walks in the central garden at certain times of day will be delivered to the bear shelter at the Ovakorusu Celal Acar Wild Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Center in Bursa, as it enters the solid feeding feed of its development.

Feedin’ time: Hakvan was given a mixture of milk, antibiotics and honey to treat him when he became lost in the area

Feeding time: Baby bear ‘Hakvan’ is pictured feeding from a milk bottle by an officer at a rehabilition center in Van, Turkey on on June 9

Walkies: The bear cub is taken for walks in the central garden at certain times of day at the animal centre

Helping hand: Hakuvan is fed by a nurse in Van, Turkiye on June 9 after the bear was malnourished after losing its mother

What’s this?: Hakuvan is now being taken care of with love at Van Yuzuncu Yil University’s Wild Animal Protection and Rehabilitation Center

Now on solids: Since it can now eat solid foods, Hakuvan will be transferred to the bear sanctuary in Ovakorusu Celal Acar Wild Animal Protection and Rehabilitation Center in Bursa

Pausing for breath: The baby bear, separated from its mother in Hakkari and brought to Van for treatment, is fed every three hours and is constantly kept under the supervision of veterinarians

On the move: Hakuvan has grown up fast during his two-month at the animal welfare centre in east Turkey

In the sun: After being separated from its mother in Hakkari, Turkish rescue workers brought the bear cub to Van on April 19 for treatment, feeding Hakvan every three hours and keeping him under supervision

Friends: Professor Lokman Aslan, the director of the center, told reporters: We take care of the bear cub like a baby. We took care of it from the starter food to its current state.


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