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The feeling of digging a large piece of gold is an indescribable feeling: A family of lucky treasure hunters dug up a fortune after finding two giant pieces of gold worth 350,000 USD

A family of treasure hunters have dug up two giant gold nuggets worth a total $350,000. Brother-in-laws Brent Shannon and Ethan West discovered the gold, weighing a…

Emaciated orphan elephant calf is rescued after tourists spotted him struggling to survive following a vicious jackal attack An emaciated orphaned elephant calf was rescued from the wild…

“Unprecedented сһаoѕ: Massive Cow Uprooted by Mother Nature’s fᴜгу Sends People Running in teггoг”

As nature can be ᴜпргedісtаЬɩe, it can give rise to some astonishing and even teггіfуіпɡ events. Recently, a dгeаdfᴜɩ ѕtoгm һіt a countryside area, and what it…

Colossal Megaliths at Yangshan Quarry – Who Built Them

The passion for building massive structures of immense size and beauty seems to have been a hallmark of most ancient civilizations. We can still see this to…

In Pompeii, Italy, archaeologists discovered a 2,000-year-old fast food stand in the ashes

The Italian archaeologists have unearthed a 2,000 years old fast-food stall from the ashes in Pompeii, Italy. The researchers have dug out an ancient restaurant from the…

Mysterious mummies of man and his slaves discovered in Pompeii, reveal “Vesuvius eruption”

Khi núi Vesuvius phun trào vào năm 79 sau Công nguyên, một người đàn ông giàu có khoảng 30 hoặc 40 tuổi và một người đàn ông…