Beautiful moment in the sky! A brave little falcon rushing at a speed of 200 km/h to аttасk a giant pelican flying too close to the nest was recorded in California

Beautiful moment in the sky! A brave little falcon rushing at a speed of 200 km/h to аttасk a giant pelican flying too close to the nest was recorded in California

The moment a tiny falcon bravely attacked a pelican that flew too close to its nest has been captured in stunning images.

The photographs were taken by Decker Nomura at Torrey Pines beach in San Diego.

A postman from California saw the pelican get too close to the nesting area and said the peregrine falcon was wary of it.

Mr Nomura, 54, said: ‘As the pelican approached the nesting area of the peregrine falcons, an alert parent falcon prepared to defend its nest, even though the pelican meant no harm to the nest or the babies in it.

‘I consider myself lucky to see this happen as it only happens for a short time during the month of May. Falcons patrol the nesting area and will attack when they feel there is a threat to their babies.’

A postman from California saw the pelican get too close to the nesting area and said the peregrine falcon was wary of the other bird

Mr Nomura, 54, said: ‘As the pelican approached the nesting area of the peregrine falcons, an alert parent falcon prepared to defend its nest, even though the pelican meant no harm to the nest or the babies in it’


He added: ‘Only the pelican’s ego was hurt as the smaller falcon hit them and then escorted them out of the nesting area.

‘I love that the much smaller falcon is fearless against the larger pelican and will defend their young no matter the consequence.’

Peregrine falcons are one of San Diego County’s scarcest breeding birds, with a population of around 15 pairs, according to United States Department of Agriculture.

Peregrines declined after the 1940s as a result of the widespread use of pesticides such as DDT.

They remain federally protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

The falcon can be seen swooping towards the pelican

Mr Nomura said: ‘Falcons will protect their young no matter the consequences’

The photographer said: ‘Only the pelican’s ego was hurt as the smaller falcon hit them and then escorted them out of the nesting area’

Mr Nomura added: ‘I consider myself lucky to see this happen as it only happens for a short time during the month of May. Falcons patrol the nesting area and will attack when they feel there is a threat to their babies’

The peregrine is found on all continents except Antarctica and on many oceanic islands.

Peregrines hunt from above and, after sighting their prey, drop into a steep, swift dive, or swoop, that can top 200 miles an hour.

Foraging areas are associated with the nest territory. This generally includes coastal strands, bodies of water, shorelines, open grasslands, marshes and wooded areas.

The bird takes part in one of the longest migrations in North America, with some making roundtrips of up to 15,550 miles.


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