Stuck in a cave, the dog “living underground” for 6 years was forgotten by everyone, the “time zone difference” expression when being rescued made everyone feel sad.

Stuck in a cave, the dog “living underground” for 6 years was forgotten by everyone, the “time zone difference” expression when being rescued made everyone feel sad.

Falling into a 50m deep rock cave, living with a mountain of garbage and enjoying only a little light at the entrance of the cave for 6 years, people don’t even know the existence of the dog “living underground”. that.

Because the dog had lived in the dark for so long, the rescue team chose to go down to the cave at night to avoid hurting the poor animal’s eyes. They had to patiently feed more than 10 times to get used to it. After many times going back and forth, the rescue team finally successfully rescued the dog that has lived underground for 6 years.

Mắc kẹt trong hang đá, chú chó sống dưới lòng đất suốt 6 năm bị mọi người quên lãng, biểu cảm lệch múi giờ khi được giải cứu khiến ai nấy xót xa - Ảnh 1.

The entrance to the cave is so dark, it’s hard to see the bottom. Here in winter, there will be dense fog, picking up rocks and throwing stones into the cave takes a while to hear the sound of falling. inside the cave contains a mountain of garbage

Mắc kẹt trong hang đá, chú chó sống dưới lòng đất suốt 6 năm bị mọi người quên lãng, biểu cảm lệch múi giờ khi được giải cứu khiến ai nấy xót xa - Ảnh 2.

Rescuers later recounted that while rescuing it, it panicked, but when it was brought into its cage and brought home, it was surprisingly quiet.

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