“Sһoсkіпɡ ‘Play fіɡһt’: Ьгᴜtаl Photos of Giraffes kісkіпɡ Each Other in the Neck”

“Sһoсkіпɡ ‘Play fіɡһt’: Ьгᴜtаl Photos of Giraffes kісkіпɡ Each Other in the Neck”

This shocking photo set shows two giraffes brutally fighting in the African savannah.

Photos show one long-necked beast brutally kicking his leg into the air and towards the fellow giraffe’s head as he attempted to show off his strength.

It looked like the pair might get into a spot of bother, but after half an hour the play-fight fizzled out and the giraffes went their separate ways.

Photos show one long-necked beast brutally kicking his leg into the air and towards the fellow giraffe’s head as he attempted to show off his strength

Wildlife photographer Anja Denker, who snapped the pair going neck and neck, said: ‘Usually when giraffes spar they swing their necks at each other.

‘But this one seemed to be the aggressor, he would constantly nudge the other one.

‘He was bending his neck and trying to duck underneath either the back legs or front legs of the other giraffe – trying to topple him.

‘It did not work though and looked rather comical.

Wildlife photographer Anja Denker, who snapped the pair going neck and neck, said: ‘Usually when giraffes spar they swing their necks at each other. But this one (right) seemed to be the aggressor, he would constantly nudge the other one.

Anja stood just feet away from the giraffes and watched the fight between the usually docile animals at the Chudob waterhole in Etosha National Park in Namibia

‘It was intriguing behaviour and it is the first time I have seen this.’

Anja stood just feet away from the giraffes and watched the fight between the usually docile animals at the Chudob waterhole in Etosha National Park in Namibia.

She said: ‘Usually when giraffes spar they swing their necks at each other.

‘We were standing at a waterhole, watching the animals pass and there were a lot of giraffe milling about.

‘Some were drinking, but these two bulls were constantly interacting with each other.

Anja, from Windhoek, Namibia, took around 50 shots within the time she watched the 18ft tall giraffes battle it out

Kick about! One giraffe lifts his hind legs and nudges the neck of his ‘friend’ as they ‘play’ in a national park in Nambia

‘They were fighting for about half an hour and eventually calmed down a bit and moved off.

‘It was just interesting behaviour to witness.’

Anja, from Windhoek, Namibia, took around 50 shots within the time she watched the 18ft tall giraffes battle it out.

She added: ‘I took the photographs around mid-morning.

‘There were a couple of other giraffes around, most of them were drinking and standing about, every once and again one or two would watch the action.

It looked like the pair might get into a spot of bother, but after around an hour the play-fight fizzled out and the giraffes went their separate ways’

‘Some antelopes were also standing around with the Oryx and Impala – they too would watch the antics for a while.

‘I took quite a couple of photos because the giraffes were carrying on constantly for half an hour.

‘Wildlife photography, is where my passion lies. I love wildlife, especially lions.’

There were a couple of other giraffes around, most of them were drinking and standing about, every once and again one or two would watch the action’ Anja said

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