Celebrity dog Madame Eyebrows has the saddest face in the world — and already has 32,000 Instagram fans

Celebrity dog Madame Eyebrows has the saddest face in the world — and already has 32,000 Instagram fans

If you’ve ever tried to imagine a bulldog with eyebrows, you won’t be able to look away after seeing this pooch.

This English bulldog from Germany, righteously named Madame Eyebrows, has splendid grey spots above her eyes which perfectly resemble eyebrows. And it turns out that a bulldog with eyebrow spots is a peculiar combination that makes this puppy look terribly grumpy.

When you look at Madame Eyebrows it seems that this dog feels absolutely no joy in her life. But according to her owner Janina, her dog’s appearance is very deceiving. Madame is actually a very happy and goofy dog. “In real life, you have to see her only a few minutes and you see that she is happy,” Janina told Dodo. “We don’t see only her sad face. We see how funny she is! And how much love she gives to us.” She loves to give kisses and wiggle her tail in excitement. Too bad we can’t see her happiness in pictures!

Scroll down to see this cute little puppy, who is actually not as sad as you might think!

A cute looking bulldog has become an Instagram sensation because of her miserable looking expression

IT’S a dog’s life — or so it seems for this pooch with what could be the world’s saddest face.

The hangdog expression comes from her droopy eyebrow patches and downturned mouth.

Sad… Madame Eyebrows is a bulldog with a really upset expressionCredit

Cheer up… But not even food can cheer up our puzzled pup

Help? Madame Eyebrows may be happy to be in the bag, we just can’t tellCredit: Instagram

But the English bulldog, named Madame Eyebrows, is actually a joyful little pup.

She has 32,000 Instagram followers thanks to cute pics taken by owner Janina, of Germany, who said: “You have to see her only a few minutes and you see that she is happy.”

When you look at Madame Eyebrows it seems that this dog feels absolutely no joy in her life

But her look is very much deceiving

In fact, Madame is a very happy and goofy dog

Too bad, we can’t see her happiness in pictures

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